
Feb20_2013 207


My name is Sarah. I’m a freelance artist & designer, wife, and mother of four. I love my life, and exploring and sharing my creativity only helps me enjoy it more! It takes creativity to keep up with my kids, stay organized, and create spaces and memories that inspire and just make my days more beautiful. Art fuels my life in so many ways, and I hope this little blog helps others tap into their own creative side and add to the enjoyment of their lives.

What you’ll find on my blog:

I’m a busy mom and always on a budget, but that doesn’t mean that my home has to reflect that. My design ideas are always budget-friendly without limiting personal style or stealing precious time away from family. I also don’t believe that a tight budget should limit the fun for kids or the excitement of entertaining. Here at Kelly Gene, you’ll find DIY and inspiration for home decor, party planning, organization, fashion and even fun stuff for the kids!

I hope you enjoy what you see here and find some inspiration on how to live and love the creative life!

Thanks for dropping in!

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