The Cat in the Hat Themed Birthday Party

The Cat in the Hat Birthday Themed Party

When my 4-yr old asked for a Cat in the Hat theme for his birthday party, I was thrilled! I had a blast putting this one together, and I hope to inspire you to try out this fun party theme!


Nole 4 bday berries

fresh berries topped with a little blue frosting and blue cotton candy

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green eggs and ham (green deviled eggs and ham and cheese sliders)

Nole 4 bday snacks

goldfish crackers served in a fish bowl

Nole 4 bday treats

lots of sweets, including Swedish Fish and marshmallow pops


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This was my first attempt at cake sculpting, and boy was it fun!…difficult and frustrating at times, but fun! I learned that you can paint on fondant with food coloring. I used powdered black food coloring and rum (because that’s what I had). You can use gel food coloring as well. I read that vodka is the preferred alcohol to mix with the food coloring, but some have used extracts like colorless vanilla. Alcohol is used to thin gel food coloring for painting rather than water, because water dissolves the fondant and makes it sticky, while alcohol quickly evaporates.


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The kids played I Can Do That game that I found at the store. I also found some nets at my local dollar store, trash cans from Target, and some small plastic balls (like the ones used in ball pits) for a fun team game. We divided into teams of two and had one member of each team toss balls to their teammate, who was to catch the balls in their net and drop them into the trashcan. We gave them 30 seconds to see how many they could catch. For the final game, I hid a paper cut-out of the Cat in the Hat and had the kids search for him. The reward was red and white Tic Tac mints.


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DIY paper cut-outs for fun window decorations: I drew mine on poster board, but you could purchase pictures or print out images to use instead

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Books are easily covered with solid-color wrapping paper and then drawn on with black marker.

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The decorations were so much fun! I hung red and blue plastic table cloths as drapes (something I had seen in the background of a pic on Pinterest), and I drew details on them with a black Sharpie marker to mimic the Dr. Seuss style drawings from the book.  I used black coated wire and poster board to make some Seuss-like flowers. I also printed out some Dr. Seuss quotes and hung them around the room. My favorite quote: “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” How true!! I just searched on Google for the quotes, but you could use lines from the book or photo copy pages from it as well.

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I enlarged and printed out an image of the Cat in the Hat’s hat and drew some Thing 1 and Thing 2 hair on poster board. Then I taped some ribbon to the backs for silly party hats.

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This was another Pinterest-inspired project and a very cute party photo op! I used a black foam display board and red, whit, and blue poster board. I cut the holes with an x-acto knife (be sure to protect your work surface with a cutting mat or something).

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All of my kids enjoyed my son’s birthday gift…the Cat in the Hat costume my husband found on Amazon! They were taking turns wearing the hat and begging for me to take their picture! (I used some black eyeliner to give them black noses and whiskers.)

I hope you enjoyed this post and are looking forward to creating a Cat in the Hat themed party of your own! If you do, come back and tell me about it!


3 thoughts on “The Cat in the Hat Themed Birthday Party

  1. Pingback: 猫用お菓子おすすめ17選!安全で猫に人気の商品を大公開 | PET CITY

  2. Hi im doimg this theme for my soms first birthday party. I was just wondering if by any chance you have a template of the thing 1 & thing 2 photo props. I’d greatly appreciate it

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